ImageMagick convert PDF to JPG
Crop, rotate and set jpg quality on multipage PDF to JPG convert:
convert -density 150 -resize 968x -gravity NorthEast -extent 968x692 -rotate "-90" 1.pdf -quality 90 1.jpg
ImageMagick PDF to JPG sometimes results in black background
Need remove alpha in PDF:
convert -density 150 -resize 1000x -fill white -alpha remove *.pdf -quality 90 1.jpg
Bash script with ImageMagick that resize and change qulity a lof of images
#!/bin/bash if [ -d photos ]; then rm -rf photos fi mkdir photos for img in ./* do filename=$(basename "$img") filename="${filename%.*}" convert "$img" -auto-orient -resize 1000x -quality 85% "photos/$filename.jpg" done;