Firstly find and buy cable on aliexpress by keywords «APC Smart UPS DB9, CP2102, USB RS232, serial 9 D-Sub, cable 940-0024C, Windows 7/8/10, Mac, Linux».
Firstly find and buy cable on aliexpress by keywords «APC Smart UPS DB9, CP2102, USB RS232, serial 9 D-Sub, cable 940-0024C, Windows 7/8/10, Mac, Linux».
If you want debug Angular application in VSCode and Chromium in Linux that you should’t install extensions for that! You need add only one file launch.json in your project with this configuration:
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Launch Chrome", "request": "launch", "type": "chrome", "url": "http://localhost:4200/#", "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}", "runtimeExecutable": "/usr/bin/chromium", "runtimeArgs": [ "http://localhost:4200", "--new-window", "-user-data-dir=${workspaceFolder}/DevProfile", "--remote-debugging-port=9222", "--disable-background-networking" ] } ] }
Use Google’s package ZX for bash scripts on NodeJS: github and npm package.
#!/usr/bin/env zx await $`cat package.json | grep name` let branch = await $`git branch --show-current` await $`dep deploy --branch=${branch}` await Promise.all([ $`sleep 1; echo 1`, $`sleep 2; echo 2`, $`sleep 3; echo 3`, ]) let name = 'foo bar' await $`mkdir /tmp/${name}`
Crop, rotate and set jpg quality on multipage PDF to JPG convert:
convert -density 150 -resize 968x -gravity NorthEast -extent 968x692 -rotate "-90" 1.pdf -quality 90 1.jpg
Need remove alpha in PDF:
convert -density 150 -resize 1000x -fill white -alpha remove *.pdf -quality 90 1.jpg
#!/bin/bash if [ -d photos ]; then rm -rf photos fi mkdir photos for img in ./* do filename=$(basename "$img") filename="${filename%.*}" convert "$img" -auto-orient -resize 1000x -quality 85% "photos/$filename.jpg" done;